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Having first been introduced to watercolor painting long ago, only lately have I had the time to paint again. Aside from a few work-shops, I have no formal training. My work is a mixture of mediums and methods that I have learned, one being the traditional approach where a reference subject is chosen with well-planned procedure to make a representational picture. On the opposite spectrum the experimental or intuitive approach is just what the name suggests- a spontaneous and expressive use of splashing or pouring the paint on the paper after which the artist slowly pulls order out of the "chaos" and builds the composition.
Having first been introduced to watercolor painting long ago, only lately have I had the time to paint again. Aside from a few work-shops, I have no formal training. My work is a mixture of mediums and methods that I have learned, one being the traditional approach where a reference subject is chosen with well-planned procedure to make a representational picture. On the opposite spectrum the experimental or intuitive approach is just what the name suggests- a spontaneous and expressive use of splashing or pouring the paint on the paper after which the artist slowly pulls order out of the "chaos" and builds the composition.